Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Share governance models

"Shaping the College Curriculum" Lattuca and Stark (

referenced regarding:
- The nature of change
- Academic Planning
- Faculty and Administrative roles in academic planning

Working with these governance groups, one must:
- Work with decision makers to align their expectations to a shared vision and mission
- Understand the background and context of the initiatives being considered
- Help faculty see change in the context of learning and teaching. Reference to the "Learning Paradigm College" (
- Learning Analytics must be a way to engage faculty and the institution


Perception of IT... "you guys have all the money!"

People are the most important part of an organization but also the most expensive.
Its important to know your institution's business processes.
Always have a wish list... in the event money becomes available.

Take home 
- No project is ever free... even MOOCs
- Always have a report that provide a visual explanation of where the money goes
- You have to understand your context!
- Know how to leverage what you have and look at how it can positively affect the entire institution.


Communication take aways

- Conversations, not files are what's happening today and it's all happening on a mobile device.
- The rate of change of technology and communication is moving at a phenomenal rate.
- People are sharing, creating and exploring with or without educational institutions.
- Expectation for today's learner is constant and individualized engagement.
- Use technology to extending conversations
- Telling stories with data

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Building successful relationships

To build relationships:
- you need trust
- must recognize and respect differences; contributions of everyone
- make transparent decisions
- must give regular and constructive feedback
- willingness to share timely and relevant info
- you must behave as a positive role model

Emotional intelligence
Know thyme self

Developing good presentations

Using Brain rules ( when developing a presentation 

Blogs are like sharks.  They have to keep moving.

Reasons for Change

We are at a time of change in IT.

IT has a central role in affecting change at our institution.  We must have the ability to work collectively and collaboratively with all groups.  

College (Un)bound Jeffery J. Selingo

Why we need to change...

Living in a disruptive environment and working in a dynamic IT environment, we must:

- Think strategically to accomplish a shared vision and 
- during implementation look for success indicators (milestones) that verify the successful alignment of technology, people and processes

Behaviors for Academic Technologist...